21st Century Key competencies for learning


nzqa-post-qualification«THE ERA OF QUALIFICATIONS AS WE KNOW IT IS OVER … AS IS NZQA» – Sue Suckling : Chair of New Zealand Qualifications Authority.

I’ve written much about how blessed I am to teach in New Zealand, in fact, [plug warning] I’ve written a whole book on the subject. What’s especially nice about being connected with kiwi educators is hearing and chatting about the increasing number of schools making their shift from 20th century knowledge-based educataion to 21st century education centred on competencies and one’s ability to learn and relearn. As universities around the globe start to discuss the value of qualifications in a rapidly developing world, I don’t believe any country has all its necessary systems in place to make this shift more than New Zealand.  With this in mind I thought I’d look at how my school and many others in these beautiful islands are focusing their efforts on…

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21st Century Key competencies for learning

5 conferencias, 5 formatos, 5 temáticas


La semana pasada un medio de comunicación me pidió que le recomendara 5 conferencias que haya impartido en el año 2016 y a las que se pudiese acceder por internet. Para seleccionarlas elegí 3 criterios. El primero de ellos fue, evidentemente, que quedara muy satisfecho tras acabarlas. El segundo fue que ninguna de ellas tuviese la misma duración. El tercero que abordaran temáticas diferentes. En el post de hoy les muestro el resultado de mi selección.

    1. Evento: Ignite Valencia.
    2. Duración: 5 minutos.
    3. Fecha: Julio 2016.
    4. Temática: En esta breve pero intensa charla señalé a los culpables de la caótica situación que rodea al mundo de la publicidad alimentaria.

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5 conferencias, 5 formatos, 5 temáticas

«Before the flood», el documental de Leonardo DiCaprio sobre el cambio climático



Hoy les traigo al blog algo que llevaba mucho tiempo esperando. Se trata de Before the flood(Antes del diluvio), el documental sobre el cambio climático producido por Leonardo DiCaprio y Martin Scorsese, y dirigido por Fisher Stevens (The Cove). Gracias a National Geographic ya está disponible para que todos podamos verlo.

A pesar de lo que algunos ignorantes (y muchos interesados) digan, el cambio climático es una evidencia más que contrastada que supone un riesgo para nuestro planeta. Ayer mismo el estupendo periodista Miguel Ángel Ruiz escribió en el periódico La Verdad un excelente artículo titulado «Murcia se seca» que me dejó boquiabierto.

Para concienciarnos del cambio climático e informarnos de la forma en la que la sociedad puede prevenir la desaparición de especies en peligro de extinción, ecosistemas y comunidades indígenas en todo el mundo, el propio Leonardo Di Caprio se entrevista con personalidades de…

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«Before the flood», el documental de Leonardo DiCaprio sobre el cambio climático

Qué no es Flip Teaching.

Investigación e Innovación Educativa


Flip Teaching es una tendencia en innovación educativa. En la actualidad se están realizando numerosas experiencias y proyectos… pero ¿se hace de forma correcta? ¿está usted realmente aplicando Flip Teaching o está haciendo otra cosa?

En este video muestra QUÉ NO ES FLIP TEACHING , para posteriormente, sobre el concepto erróneo explicar qué es.

¿Qué no es Flip Teaching?

¿Qué es?

Si desea conocer más sobre flip teaching, pulse este enlace.

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Qué no es Flip Teaching.

How do I Know What I do Not Know?

Sharon Lewis

This question can have a pivotal impact across any aspect of our lives. If only, I had known that? Why didn’t someone tell me? Can I backdate it?

“Knowing everything” is impossible however creating an infrastructure of information/data which heightens your awareness of issues that are applicable to your situation can be improved. Here are six ways to increase your chances of asking the “right questions” to ensure that you are getting more of the “right information” coming your way:

question marks

1. Ask incident related questions vs general questions.
Instead of asking: How is it going today? Or how is business, start asking more specific incident-related questions:
• Tell me about the last new piece of business you closed
• Tell me about the last employee you hired
• Did John give you an update on the five client requests made during the March 10 meeting

2. Ask the same question…

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How do I Know What I do Not Know?

Academic Capitalism and the Accelerated Academy

Academic Irregularities

Corporate culture has no place in academia says Olof Hallonsten in his report for Nature on the medical scandal at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. This involved allegations of fraud against Paolo Macchiarini which may have resulted in patient deaths  .

It appears that university leaders chose to overturn established procedures and overlook external evaluations of Professor Macchiarini’s work, preferring to prioritise reputation and avoidance of scandal. As Hallonsten points out, this sort of behaviour by senior managers of universities, although tiresomely familiar, conflicts strongly with academic values of peer review and close scrutiny of claims which are designed to protect those hard-won personal and institutional reputations for research integrity. Unfortunately, too many university managers have confused university reputation with accumulated capital, not with solid scholarship and ethics.

The episode at Karolinska has led the president of the Supreme Administrative Court in Sweden to conclude that: “There is now an…

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Academic Capitalism and the Accelerated Academy