10 Techniques for Scaffolded Social Learning

Julian Stodd's Learning Blog

I recently presented a model for the design of Scaffolded Social Learning: it’s a way of combining both formal and co-created components into one coherent learning narrative. The formal elements will be things like workshops, eLearning, mobile materials, assessments, podcasts, reading and so on. The co-created elements are those things that we do within our communities: it’s the ‘sense making’ activity, but i thought it would be worth expanding exactly what this could look like.

10 aspects of Scaffolded Social

There’s a risk that we just ask people to ‘talk about stuff’, which is effectively just making the ‘social’ part a bolt on solution, not a truly scaffolded approach.

In this article, i want to explore ten facets of the co-created component. We will look at ‘curation’, uncovering how we can use this activity in the learning design, then ‘interpreation’, which is where…

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10 Techniques for Scaffolded Social Learning

Reflecting on the Making Process

User Generated Education

My background is in experiential education. One of the strategies used in experiential education is debriefing or reflecting on the experience. In other words, learning from direct experience is not left to chance. The educator becomes proactive in debriefing or processing the experiences to increase the chances that learning occurs. This is in line with John Dewey’s ideas:

We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience.’

A recent research study published via Harvard Business Review concluded that:

  • Learning from direct experience can be more effective if coupled with reflection-that is, the intentional attempt to synthesize, abstract, and articulate the key lessons taught by experience.
  • Reflecting on what has been learned makes experience more productive.
  • Reflection builds one’s confidence in the ability to achieve a goal (i.e., self-efficacy), which in turn translates into higher rates of learning. (http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/7498.html)

In line with reflecting on…

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Reflecting on the Making Process

Neuronas espejo, empatía, imitación y desarrollo en la primera infancia

Escuela con cerebro

Los niños necesitan más modelos que críticas

Joseph Joubert

La imitación es una capacidad innata. Los bebés de apenas unos días de vida son capaces de imitar movimientos faciales como abrir la boca o sacar la lengua (conductas que están en el repertorio del recién nacido), lo cual indica que la capacidad para usar equivalencias intermodales está presente desde el nacimiento (Meltzoff y Moore, 1977).

Actividad predictiva del cerebro de los bebés

En el primer año de vida, los bebés utilizan áreas de su cerebro que participan en sus propias habilidades motrices con el objetivo de percibir las acciones de otras personas (Southgate et al., 2009). Así, el sistema de neuronas espejo permitiría al observador, en este caso el bebé, comprender una acción a través de un sistema de simulación motora interna.

En el estudio citado, Southgate y sus colaboradores registraron la actividad cerebral de 15 niños de 9 meses…

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Neuronas espejo, empatía, imitación y desarrollo en la primera infancia

The Perfect Storm for Maker Education

User Generated Education

Originally published at http://blog.iat.com/2015/09/30/a-perfect-storm-for-maker-education/

Perfect Storm: an expression that describes an event where a rare combination of circumstances will aggravate a situation drastically.  The term This term is also used to describe an actual phenomenon that happens to occur in such a confluence, resulting in an event of unusual magnitude.

Maker Movement:

The maker movement, as we know, is the umbrella term for independent inventors, designers and tinkerers, a convergence of computer hackers and traditional artisans. Makers tap into an American admiration for self-reliance and combine that with open-source learning, contemporary design and powerful personal technology like 3-D printers. The creations, born in cluttered local workshops and bedroom offices, stir the imaginations of consumers numbed by generic, mass-produced, made-in–China merchandise. (Why the Maker Movement Is Important to America’s Future)

A movement made up of hobbyists, tinkerers, crafters and innovators is getting ready to change what you…

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The Perfect Storm for Maker Education

5 Herramientas TIC para Crear Narraciones Multimedia | Artículo

Gesvin Romero


Compartimos un interesante artículo original sobre «5 Herramientas TIC para Crear Narraciones Multimedia»

Un gran saludo.

5HerramientasTICCrearNarracionesMultimedia-Artículo-BlogGesvinImagen vista en: slidesnack.com

La lista empieza así:

1.- Moovly 

Herramienta 2.0 con el cual podrás crear contenido animado utilizando material audiovisual. Es una muy buena alternativa para la creación de infografías interactivas, videos animados, e-cards, carteles y tutoriales ya que permite incluir grabaciones de voz a los videos.

2.- Metta

Es una plataforma deaprendizaje devídeo queles permitecrear y compartirlecciones de vídeoatractivasen grupo, así como realizar el seguimiento delprogreso. Permite narrar historias utilizando recursos videos de youtube, texto, test y encuestas interactivas.

3.- Slidesnack

SlideSnackes una herramienta para realizar presentaciones que destaca por que permite «subir» fácilmente documentos (PowerPoint, Keynote, Word) así como archivos PDF y automáticamente las convertirá en presentacionesen línea. Con esta característica ni profesores ni estudiantes…

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5 Herramientas TIC para Crear Narraciones Multimedia | Artículo